Return on Investment Matrix
Evaluate and filter potential projects based on predicted impact.


Individuals or teams

Same time or separately

Remote or in-person
Evaluate and filter potential projects based on predicted impact.
ROI Tool helps you to evaluate proposed projects based on given KPIs or OKRs that are important for your company. At the start of the project, you go through each aspect and predict how likely the project is to be able to deliver on these metrics. At the end of the tool, you can also input costs and it will calculate ROI per pound spent.
At InGAME we would use this tool to ensure we are delivering on the KPIs and the maximum potential of each project every time.
We recommend this tool for people and teams looking to measure the value of a project running this tool at the outset of a project and again at the end of the project lifecycle to see how closely the predictions match up.
We recommend this tool for people and teams looking to measure the value of a project running this tool at the outset of a project and again at the end of the project lifecycle to see how closely the predictions match up.
It is helpful to have completed the Scoping Canvas prior to using this tool.
This tool will help you produce a matrix with an ROI score as an output. Get the ROI Matrix.
It’s an online collaboration tool to allow you to work with others on tasks or projects in the same digital space in your browser.
You’ll need to sign up for an account at miro.com, use the link on this tool page to go to the Miro template and select ‘Use template’ to add it to your account. Then you’ll be able to use it and share it as often as you like.
Once you open up one of our Miro template there are notes to get you started and guide you through the tools.
Miro has a comprehensive guide to the platform and how it all works.