E-Learning prototype for the NHS leads a raft of new projects delivered from the InGAME R&D Centre. We spoke to the successful applicants about why they applied for the R&D Voucher Scheme and how it will help them reach…
~~~APPLICATIONS CLOSED~~~ We’re looking for a full-time producer to join the team at our R&D Centre in Dundee to lead the delivery of our R&D Voucher Scheme projects. You’ll be working with our research team, industry collaborators and partners to…
Disaster victim identification simulator, ‘Edwardian Dundee’ game, and interactive waste reduction comic among new projects to receive funding from the InGAME R&D Voucher Scheme. The InGAME R&D Voucher Scheme responds to the needs of the Dundee videogames cluster by…
We are currently seeking to recruit an R&D Fellow and Research Assistant, both specialising in technology innovation. R&D Fellow: Technology Innovation The ideal person will have a strong track record of research and/or significant professional experience in Technology Innovation, providing…
InGAME has gone gold and we’re excited to get started. InGAME is led by Abertay University, in partnership with the University of Dundee and the University of St Andrews, in collaboration with local and international industry stakeholders. The primary aim of the project is increase the value and scale of the Dundee video-games cluster through creative experimentation, exploiting innovation and sector intensification.