We are looking for a Dundee based Game Developer to be partnered with a UK writer to develop a new Immersive narrative driven experience. For full details of the commission and how to apply, please visit our opportunities page.
We are thrilled to announce our partnership with StoryFutures Academy: the National Centre for Immersive Storytelling to deliver an exciting new Immersive Game Lab & Commission. Twelve writers and narrative designers will be selected from across the UK, to take part in a bespoke workshop that will train them to work on story-led immersive videogames.The Game Lab will also engage three game development studios from the Dundee videogames cluster in narrative training through workshops, with the opportunity to work with the selected writers. The Dundee cluster includes studios based in adjacent local authorities of Fife, Angus and Perthshire. The game developers will be eligible to receive funding for the creation of a story-based immersive game prototype.
Interested writers and developers have until the 24th of February to apply for this fantastic opportunity.

The Game Lab will be delivered by StoryFutures Academy and InGAME in Dundee, and based on the highly successful StoryFutures Academy Writers Rooms led by Adam Ganz, and delivered in collaboration with immersive theatre company Punchdrunk. The initiative will be providing £15,000 to support game developers and writers at the early stages of concept development, followed by the chance to pitch for a £50,000 award to support the development of a new narrative immersive game
For Writers
Longlisted writers will undertake a fully-funded 2-day narrative workshop (March 31st to April 1st 2020) held at InGAME, Dundee, where they will explore immersive experiences, meet games developers and expand their interactive writing skills.A shortlisted writer will then be selected to undertake a 4-week paid scoping phase where the writer will co-design an idea for a narrative-led immersive game in collaboration with a Dundee games development studio. Writers and games developers will then pitch these ideas to an expert panel who will select one idea to receive £50,000 of funding for a 12-week development period. The winning writer and games development studio will also receive a program of user testing, audience insight and commercialisation support from InGAME, with the completed project being shown at a UK gaming convention in the Autumn.StoryFutures Academy is accepting applications from UK-based writers who meet the following criteria:
1.Writers should be able to demonstrate a clear interest in or experience of writing for interactive. Writers may be from any discipline and of any experience level, but we will look favourably on applicants who have experience of creating interactive work. This could be writing credits on released games titles, but games experience is not essential and self-published work in programs such as Twine or Ink, interactive theatre, interactive film or any other forms of interactive narrative would all be considered valuable, relevant experience.2. Applicants may be from anywhere within the UK.3. Applicants must commit to engaging collaboratively with Game Lab project activities as detailed in the application guidelines.

For Game Developers
Game Developers will be expected to proivde feedback on the twelve immersive narrative game ideas to aid the selection of the final three writers. You will then work to fully scope an idea for an immersive narrative-focussed game created in partnership with a writer. Finally, you will submit a final proposal in the form of a pitching deck and video presentation (to include budget, timescales and milestones).A shortlisted writer will then be selected to undertake a 4-week paid scoping phase where the writer will co-design an idea for a narrative-led immersive game in collaboration with a Dundee games development studio. Writers and games developers will then pitch these ideas to an expert panel who will select one idea to receive £50,000 of funding for a 12-week development period. The winning writer and games development studio will also receive a program of user testing, audience insight and commercialisation support from InGAME, with the completed project being shown at a UK gaming convention in the Autumn.
1. Developers should be able to demonstrate their ability to deliver a prototype within the timescale and budget. Developers must be able to demonstrate their track record through a body of work and/or credits and/or demonstrable ability to drive a project through production to delivery. Three developers will be selected to participate in the workshops and scoping phase, with one being selected for the commission.
2, Applications must be made by or through a company registered and centrally managed within the Dundee Creative Clusters area (City of Dundee and adjacent local authorities of Angus, Fife and Perth and Kinross).3. Applicants must commit to engaging collaboratively with Game Lab project activities as detailed in the application guidelines.